The enterprises are entitled to undertake certain projects for technological transformation. 企业有权自行安排某些技术改造项目。
We will allocate a fund of20 billion yuan to promote technological transformation of enterprises. 大力推进企业技术改造,拟安排专项技改资金200亿元。
The technological transformation may not happen that fast [ in China], but that will definitely change the landscape of the financial industry. We must be well-prepared in advance. 科技转型(在中国)可能不会发生得那么快,但必将改变金融行业的格局,我们必须提前做好充分准备。
In my six-plus years in Shanghai, China has undergone an economic, social, cultural and technological transformation, in the water closet. 我在上海生活了六年多,在抽水马桶这件事上,中国经历了一场经济、社会、文化和技术的变革。
The Technological Transformation and Simulation Analysis of Fuel-type Vacuum Tower 燃料型减压塔的技术改造及模拟分析
Fifth, technological transformation will be intensified to quicken the technological progress of enterprises. 加大技术改造力度,加快企业技术进步;
Polymer unloading pump Technological transformation of Frequency Control System Design 高分子聚合物卸料泵变频技术改造控制系统设计
We need to encourage old industrial bases to accelerate their industrial restructuring and technological transformation. 推动老工业基地加快调整和改造。
Occupational Hazard Control Effect in Technological Transformation Project of An Automobile Fittings Factory 某汽车配件厂技术改造项目职业病危害控制效果评价
Now that the West European countries are beset with economic difficulties, we should lose no time in seeking their cooperation, so as to speed up our technological transformation. 要抓住西欧国家经济困难的时机,同他们搞技术合作,使我们的技术改造能够快一些搞上去。
For him, history is characterised by technological transformation, with better communications and more trade, leading to ever higher living standards and longer and more fulfilling lives for an ever-expanding global population. 对他而言,技术变革是历史发展的一个特征,通讯改善、贸易增长,使得全球不断增加的人口生活标准日益提高,寿命更长、生活更富足。
Samuels, Richard J. "Rich Nation, Strong Army": National Security and The Technological Transformation of Japan. Chap. 2 and 8. 《「富国强兵」:日本的国家安全与科技转型》第二及八章。
The application of network plan skill in the technological transformation of flour mill 网络计划技术在面粉厂技术改造中的运用
This paper introduces the Jinshan iron practice in order to increase ore concentrate production and improve concentrate grade and for the technological transformation. 本文简要介绍了金山铁矿为了增加精矿产量,提高精矿品位而进行的技术改造。
The plant is taking a road to develop itself by depending on technological transformation through importing technology and equipment. 该厂通过技术和设备引进,走上依靠技术改造求发展的道路。
Energy-saving Technological Transformation of φ 140mm Seamless Tube Unit φ140mm无缝管机组的节能技术改造
Example Analysis on the Technological Transformation for Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction of Central Air-conditioning 中央空调节能减排技术改造&实例探析
In the mechanical and electrical pumping station and the implementation of water-saving irrigation area Well energy-saving technological transformation; 机电抽水站和实施节水灌溉面积以及节能技术改造;
The technological transformation of commercial explosive plants is expounded in the light of a practical example. 本文结合具体实例,论述了有关工业炸药厂的技术改造,具有重要的现实意义。
According to the principle of the existing grading, NHMF high-efficiency rotor classifier for milling system was applied in existing technological transformation successfully. 根据现有分级机原理对原有粗粉分离器改造,结合NHMF高效转子式分级机对现有制粉系统进行技术改造并获成功。
The enterprise puts into the technological transformation increase every year, and expand the production scale. 企业每年递增投入技改,扩大生产规模。
The Settlement of the Issues Concerning Blast Furnace Coal System in the Technological Transformation direct-fired mill 高炉煤粉系统技术改造中问题的解决直吹式制粉系统磨煤机
The key to the technological transformation is the design of the manual oil pump 、 the delivery pump and the whole transmission box. 技术改造的关键是手油泵、油泵及传动箱总成的设计。
Factory continually update equipment and technological transformation, and continue to develop and launch new products. 工厂不断地进行设备更新和技术改造,并不断地开发与推出新产品。
So it has great realistic meanings to study network NC programming post processing to traditional technological transformation and promote of manufacturing industry. 因此,研究网络数控编程后置处理对传统制造业的技术改造和提升具有重大的现实意义。
While giving top priority to providing supplementary loans for Treasury-bond projects, banks also provided working capital and loans in support of technological transformation by credit-worthy enterprises that are profitable and have a ready market for their products. 银行优先为国债项目提供配套贷款,支持有市场、有效益、有信用企业的流动资金和技术改造贷款需要。
Technological transformation is a very important concept in current technological innovation theory. 技术转移是当今技术创新理论中一个非常重要的概念。
Analyzed carpet weaving machine imported in the 1980s, putting forward a scheme of technological transformation. 在分析了80年代进口的地毯编织机&簇绒机落后技术的基础上,提出了对其进行技术改造的方案。
Puts forward two technological transformation schemes of roller system stability, and analyzes their feasibility. 提出了两种辊系稳定性改造方案,分析了方案实施的可行性。
Technological transformation makes an important role in technological improvement and competition of enterprise. 阐述了矿井技术改造对促进技术创新和提高企业竞争能力的重要作用。